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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Edward Snowden Wants to Return to the U.S.

At a news conference on Tuesday, Edward Snowden's lawyer stated that he was ready to return to the U.S., but only under the guarantee of a legal and impartial trial. Snowden has been in Russia since 2013, when he fled to the country from Hong Kong. After his temporary asylum expired in August, the Russian government granted him a three-year residence permit.

A 2013 letter from Attorney General Eric Holder promised that Snowden would not face the death penalty upon returning to the U.S. His lawyer, however, wants assurance of a fair trial as well. If Snowden does indeed return to the U.S., he will face charges under the Espionage Act.

This is not the first time that Snowden has stated he wants to return home. In fact, he insists his actions were done in the interest of serving his country. For the full story, visit POLITICO. 

What do you think? Was Snowden truly trying to speak out against violations of the Constitution? Should he be granted clemency?

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