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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reporters Without Borders 2015

Reporters Without Borders has published their 2015 World Press Freedom Index stats and the United States has dropped another three levels to #49. We have some real issues to deal with in our very own backyard.

Here is what Reporters Without Borders had to say about our country:

"In the United States, 2014 was marked by judicial harassment of New York times Investigative reporter James Risen in connection with the trial of Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA officer charged under the Espionage Act with given him classified information, US journalist are still not protected by a federal shield law that would guarantee their right not to name their sources or reveal other confidential information about their work. Meanwhile, at least 15 journalist were arbitrarily arrested during clashes between police and demonstrators protesting against black teenager Michael Brown's fatal shooting by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri."

Lets get this message out in front of people. It is important to let our government know we will no longer tolerate them imposing on our journalists. It has become apparent that journalists put their freedom at risk when they print information that the government deems classified.

Please do your part and share this with your friends. Thanks.

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